by amy | Jul 1, 2022 | Marketing Insight
why online reviews are essential to your marketing strategy When you are preparing to purchase a product or engage with a service provider you have never worked with before, what’s the first thing you do to gain confidence in your purchase? You likely said, “look for...
by amy | Jun 1, 2022 | Marketing Insight
Tips for Effective Billboard Design Consumers spend hours each day consuming digital content on their phones and laptops making multi-channel digital marketing initiatives a must for businesses. But what about more traditional marketing efforts like billboards and...
by amy | May 1, 2022 | Marketing Insight
The Importance of Photography in Digital Marketing If you want to draw traffic to your website, unique, high-quality content is essential. Done well, your website will be full of written content addressing important questions and issues in your industry. Paragraphs...
by amy | Apr 1, 2022 | Marketing Insight
what is a secondary logo and how is it used? Your company has a beautifully designed logo. It adorns your website, your social media channels, and just about all of your branding. Often companies have secondary logos. What is a secondary logo and how is it used? The...
by amy | Mar 1, 2022 | Marketing Insight
How Often Should You Rebuild Your Website? Perhaps your website has done well for your company for a long time. At the time it was designed, it featured the latest web tools and applications, on both the front and back ends. That may have been a few years ago, though....
by amy | Feb 1, 2022 | Marketing Insight
Why a Brand Suite Is More Beneficial Than Just a Logo When your company was first formed, one of the first things it probably had was a logo. It may have evolved since the time it was first developed, but its purpose remains the same: to provide an image that your...