The Coming Economic Recovery: Preparing Your Marketing Strategy
The Coming Economic Recovery: Preparing Your Marketing Strategy So Your Company Is Ready to Take Action Right now, it looks like a battlefield out there. The marketplace is littered with the remains of once-successful businesses unable to weather the current COVID...
Marketing on a Budget
Marketing on a Budget How we help companies do more with less (Right now) Times are hard for small businesses right now as the global pandemic continues affecting operations. While marketing is at the core of every successful business venture, the ongoing crisis has...
Marketing in a Post COVID World
Marketing in a Post COVID World: Where Do We Go From Here? Our world is fundamentally different than it was a year ago. The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the pace of business change. More than ever before, businesses are reliant on digital technologies and remote...
Now Is Not the Time To Quit – Keep Your Business Moving Forward!
Now Is Not the Time To Quit - Keep Your Business Moving Forward! Everywhere you turn you are hearing this message: “We are facing uncertain times.” The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted the globe in ways most of us would have never foreseen. One thing is certain: the...
Socially Present Announces New President and Vice President
Socially Present Announces New President and Vice PresidentOn the heels of a banner year, modern marketing specialists Socially Present has announced the promotion of Amy Clevidence to President and Jennifer Gough to Vice President of the agency. In 2019, the pair...
Why You Should Be Blogging
Why You Should Be Blogging Amy Clevidence, Director of Communications October 24, 2018 In my last article, I discussed why fresh content is critical for your website. Fresh content boosts search engine optimization making it easier for your prospective clients to find...
Why Fresh Content is Critical for Your Website
Why Fresh Content is Critical for Your Website Amy Clevidence, Director of Communications September 26, 2018 In today’s digital age, a well-designed, informative website is a critical component of your marketing toolkit. A common mistake companies make...
5 Tips for Email Marketing Success
Five Tips for Email Marketing Success Amy Clevidence, Director of Communications July 26, 2018 Email marketing has been around for a long time, and yet it remains one of the most effective tools for communicating with clients and prospects. All of us use email; many...
Socially Present Announces New Partners
Socially Present is pleased to announce that Jennifer Gough and Amy Clevidence have been named Partners of the agency. Socially Present's President, Jonas Neihoff, says: "When you look for individuals to take on some of the responsibilities you have as a leader, you...
Perkins Motor Plex
THE STORY Buying a used car from Perkins Motor Plex is not your usual used car buying experience. The dealership is comprised of a team of professionals whose commitment to their clients is far greater than just selling them a nice car. Perkins Motor Plex is committed...